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Begging For Wub Wub: Audiosurf Air Trailer

Girls Aloud. Biology. Ninja Mono. That was my favourite Audiosurf gig. I'm keen to see what that bounciest of pop tracks will play like in Audiosurf Air, the sequel to the rather lovely music riding puzzle racing game. It was 2008 when Audiosurf came out, a pre-Skrillex world. If there was a game that could have benefited from 'the drop' it was Audiosurf. I hope there's specific dubstep code in this version. Trailer is after the dropppppp.

Bzzzzrowowoowwscreeeeerawwwwkkszkzowwww. Dubstep! Yeah! So what does this trailer tell me is new in the game? Well, developer Dylan Fitterer's taken the surfing part to heart, which means you're actually riding along on your tunes a board, and can leap into the air to perform some flicks and tricks. It looks like the grey spheres are the things to avoid this time around, which will definitely help out the colour blind. I am a little bit worried that there's too much going on on the track. Audiosurf was pretty clean on the ground, and I hope that odd, blurry light at either side of the track doesn't get in the way.

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No release date, so I'll ask you to tell me all about your favourite Audiosurf track and game mode.

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