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Grab a new look at Beyond Good & Evil 2, live right now

Pig day afternoon

Hurry hurry hurry (or, y'know, watch the archived stream a bit later) - Ubisoft are just about to show off the much-anticipated, much-delayed sequel Beyond Good and Evil 2. Michael Ancel and colleagues are live on Twitch, talking more about - and most importantly showing more - BGE2, a game that finally stepped out of the shadows in this Summer's E3.

Swearing, space pirates, online gubbins and prequel timeframes have raised a few eyebrows previously - will this bring 'em back down to earth or send 'em further skywards? Find out below.

Watch live video from Ubisoft on

I'm watching live, so you know as much as I do right now - but it sure feels like the right time for this game, doesn't it? A mix of joy and paranoia, and plenty of invention from a mainstream publisher. Let it be so!

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