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Blizzard "Not Trying To Make A WoW Sequel"

Ars is reporting that Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime has spoken a little about "Titan" the recently-confirmed MMO project being worked on by Blizzard. Speaking to some kind of gathering in Las Vegas, he reportedly said: "Without giving away any details, we have some of our most experienced MMO developers, people who spent years working on the World of WarCraft team, working on this project. We're really trying to leverage all the lessons we learned through the years. Some of which we were able to address in World of WarCraft and others that maybe because of the design decisions we've made, you just can't address. So we're kind of taking a step back with all that knowledge to make something that's completely new and fresh. We're not trying to make a WoW sequel."

Morhaime said: "To break the mold, sometimes you have to start over." I wish he'd said "Sometimes you break the mould, sometimes the mould breaks you." That would have been cooler, although it wouldn't have made as much sense.

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