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Blizzard Plays Nicely With The Other Boys

Blizzard appear to take a very approachable attitude toward rival MMOs. But then, I suppose if I were a 5000 foot mountain, I'd probably not make too big of a fuss about the surrounding hillocks spoiling my view. However, it's nice that they don't take the attitude of "DESTROY THEM! DESTROY THEM ALL!" In fact, they're humble enough to concede that their reign will one day come to an end. Speaking to Eurogamer, producer J. Allen Brack explained that he doesn't see Age of Conan or Warhammer Online as enemies.

"We don't make games in a vacuum, we don't just play World of Warcraft, I love online games, I play a lot of online games, and I'm really excited about those games coming out because I want to play them... I think there's room for all three of those games to be successful."

Co-lead designer, Jeff Kaplin, explains that Blizzard doesn't think of WoW as invincible.

"I'm not a believer that WOW is untouchable and no one will ever beat it. There will be a game that comes out that's great that players will prefer to play over WOW."

This all comes up during Eurogamer's discussion of the forthcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion, which Blizzard believe will be out before the end of the year.

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