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Bringing Saxxy Back: The Saxxy Awards

Valve have added a replay editor to team-based FPS Team Fortress 2! Replay-enabled servers will now record matches in their entireity, allowing players to go back and cherry-pick clips, and even add "sexy motion blur". How are Valve celebrating? With an award ceremony, naturally.

In just under two weeks The Saxxy Awards (25% Gold, 75% Australium) will be presented to the winners of twenty different categories, ranging from "Best 30 Second Trailer" to "Most Epic Fail" and-- oh, sod it, here's the full list.

1. Most Inventive Kill
2. Best Mid-air Murder
3. Biggest Massacre
4. Funniest Replay
5. Best Getaway
6. Best Revenge
7. Most Pwnage
8. Most Heroic
9. Players Choice
10. Best Set Design
11. Best Team Costume
12. Best Original Soundtrack
13. Best 30 Second Trailer
14. Best Coordinated Combat
15. Most Dramatic
16. Best Cinematography
17. Best Editing
18. Most Epic Fail
19. Most Extreme Stunt
20. Best Overall Replay

Best Team Costume, eh? There's also new achievements, and a new hat available to anybody who uses the thing to get more than 1,000 views on Youtube (a number so low that I suspect we'll get a few potato-faced mouthbreathers clicking on their own blank video reel a thousand times). Anything else? Certainly! There's also a new comic right here.

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