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Brothers Disarmed: Furious 4 Now Its Own Thing

I've never entirely understood the outrage that Gearbox's Tarantino-esque shooter Furious 4 was tagged as a splinter cell of their rather more sober World War 2 franchise Brothers In Arms, but perhaps I'm just not in tune with the common upset-on-the-internet man. Regardless, those who decided that F4 was surely a replacement for rather than an off-shot of BIA will doubtless be relieved to hear that its contentious prefix has been removed. This ultra-violent, parodical take on World War 2 will no longer be deemed a Brothers In Arms game. To further sweeten this new deal, Gearbox have been hinting that news on a new BIA game proper is inbound.

Scant details on this surprised change come from Kotaku, which reports that Furious 4 will be turned into a new IP and 'renamed' - so mightn't even be F4 in the end, and Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford as claiming F4 might involve genre hybridisation, a la Borderlands. ""Our Pokémon has evolved. It has different powers" is all we have to go on on that front. As for a possible new BIA game, apparently Gearbox's community day on Sept 15 will be when to watch. The big sillies, don't they know we'll all be in back in Black Mesa then?

Does everyone feel a bit better about this now?

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