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Buy Into The Breach, get free FTL... On Steam, too

Fire at Will

The howling vortex of hypercapitalism that is Christmas may be behind us, but judging from the amount of snow outside my window, it's still the season to be Santa-esque. Not to be one-upped by GOG and Humble, Steam are now offering a free copy of FTL with every purchase of the fantastic Into The Breach, a drum-tight tactical puzzle that has captured the hearts, minds and other less vital organs of several of RPS's writers.

Better still, this deal is fully retroactive, if you've already picked up the game, and if you already own FTL on Steam you'll find a giftable copy in your inventory to share with someone. Within, we have some handy tips on how to pick who in your life to share it with.

So, you've found yourself with a spare copy of FTL! Lucky you - it means you already had the game, and know the full responsibility of command. No doubt countless missions have gone by without a single casualty, such are your leadership skills.

When in doubt? Shoot to kill.

This, of course leaves you with the unenviable yet vital task of choosing a single friend to burden with the responsibility inherent in starship command. We here at RPS Towers recommend holding a series of one-on-one interviews, with questions based around which Star Trek captain their answers most align with, and assigning the game based on personal preference. While there are no wrong options, if you pick Janeway, you're wrong. Sorry.

As a potential bonus round, if they manage to hit at least 80% alignment with General Grin's Picard, then you are morally obligated to not only give them the game, but also buy them a copy of Into The Breach so that they can choose their successor. Also, you should fear and respect this person.

Mostly fear.

Into The Breach is out on Steam, GOG and Humble for £11.39/$15.

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