Cactus' Keyboard Drumset Loving Werewolf
Note my romantic idealisation. You see, it's actually Keyboard Drumset Fucking Werewolf and it's like Ice Climbers but with a deliciously engaging maniac singing a catchy song. But then, no, it's suddenly like falling to a horrible demise while the same maniac becomes irate and uses 'gay' in a fashion that will surely offend some people. Argh, but no, it's not that either, it's a button mashing, vomit-strewn lycanthropic transformation sequence, and now there's chasing and slicing and killing while the song becomes ever stranger.
What it is, as well as all those things and more, is a new downloadable game from Cactus. I suspect the song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day, for it is a malicious and worrying ear-worm. Probably with teeth. There's a new trailer for the madcap developer's entry into the IGF as well.
Life/Death/Island is the name of that upcoming oddity. Is it a more rational take on the narrative and themes of Lost? Is it the 8-bit survival horror game we've all secretly been waiting for? I suspect that whatever it is, it'll be a blast to play.
Via Indiegames.