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Caught In The Spiderweb: Avadon 2: Corruption

The world's handsomest turn-based RPG developers (probably) Spiderweb, send word that they are bringing a second Avadon game into the world. It is to be named Corruption, and will bear the mark of "2", indicating its sequelness. They explain: "Avadon 2: The Corruption is the second chapter in the epic Avadon trilogy. In this fantasy role-playing adventure, you will serve the keep of Avadon, working as a spy and warrior to fight the enemies of your homeland." Shadowy powers and stuff abide, so it's time to make turn-based decisions about the future of the fantasy world! Man, games are ace.

Avadon will appear on Mac and Windows in the autumn. Read our take on the previous game here.

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