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Cheap Is Death: Rohrer's Pay Whatever

They're all at it! All of them! It's a conspiracy! They're going to subvert global finance! They're going to make a fortune without paying a gigantic tithe to price-fixing publishers! It's wrong! It suggests traditional models of capitalism are outdated and near-sighted! We're doomed! I'm worried not even a single sentence of this post won't end with an exclamation mark!

Oh, there you go. Yes, the latest indie game to jump aboard the high-speed pay-what-you-what bandwagon is Jason Rohrer's splendid 2-play storytelling game Sleep Is Death. He's set a minimum spend of $1.75, but apart from that, lob him whatever you think the game's worth in return for two copies of the splendid thing. The RPS Hivemind will have to decide how frequently we cover these sort of deals if we're to avoid every other post documenting bargains, but as this one is so soon after the game's release, it's definitely An Awesome Thing. Get to it.

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