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"When Will You Release Counter-Strike 2?"

Aw, bless. I share the below video not because it gives much away in terms of when and if we'll see Counter-Strike 2 (though it's certainly not a denial, which is some kind of good news at least), but because of the charming awkwardness of Gabe Newell's reaction when asked directly in front of THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE whether Valve's evergreen man-shooter will be sequelised any time soon...

It's the noise and hand-waving at 10 seconds in that makes it for me. That is one taken-aback game developer.

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I'm sure less reputable sites would jump on that as 'COUNTER-STRIKE 2 CONFIRMED AFTER PORTAL 2 AND DOTA 2", but it's quite clearly nothing more than a "woah, I was not expecting that" moment.

The video came from the Intel Extreme Masters pro-gaming tournament, by the way, and the chap asking is Intel VP Shmuel "Mooly" Eden. Shmuel "balls of steel" Eden, I call him.

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