Cyberpunk 2077 has patched more quest-blocking bugs
Hotfix 1.21 is out now
Following Cyberpunk 2077's huge patch 1.2 at the end of March, CD Projekt Red today followed-up with the hotfix patch 1.21. This is a smaller update, focused on improving stability and fixing crashes as well as addressing some bugs which stopped certain quests from progressing. Every little helps.
The patch is out now for PC, consoles, and Stadia. For me on Steam, it was a 1.6GB download. The hotfix 1.21 patch notes list 35 items for PC, including:
- Fixed an issue in Gig: Getting Warmer... where the player was unable to lower 8ug8ear's body temperature.
- Fixed an issue where being unable to pick up the "Send a crew" shard in Cyberpsycho Sighting: Discount Doc could block progression. Reading the shard is now an optional objective.
- Fixed an issue where a Maelstromer could spawn in an area unreachable for the player, blocking progress in Losing My Religion/Sacrum Profanum.
- Fixed an issue where player could become unable to use weapons and consumables after getting out of Takemura's van in Down on the Street.
- Fixed an issue where, after the player commits a crime on the roof of a building, NCPD officers would spawn behind the player's back.
- Fixed various issues related to clipping in NPCs' clothes.
- Various memory management improvements (reducing the number of crashes).
Nothing is game-changing, but some is game-fixing. As Alice Bee said, "Cyberpunk 2077's patches can't fix its biggest problems".
CD Projekt Red still plan to release wee free 'DLC' packs like they did with The Witcher 3's new quests and outfits and bits. Those have been held up by the need to, y'know, fix the game. I don't expect anything massively game-changing from them.

Having had my expectations calibrated, yeah, I'm fine with Cyberpunk just being fixed. I have enjoyed my 130 hours scampering around Night City, running almost everywhere because I like this giant colourful looming architecture. While I can gripe about a lot, few games have let me loose inside the set of a dystopian B movie from the 1990s so I'll forgive a lot too. I'm okay with it being a Eurojank RPG. I've not had a great time but I've certainly had a good time - and snapped thousands of screenshots.
CD Projekt Red recently said they've shifted structure and focus to build for the future, and Cyberpunk multiplayer is no longer their next big game. They were less clear on what they actually will do next, though. Looking further ahead, they also said they they've learned some lessons, including to not ramp up a game's marketing until "much closer" to launch.