Damnation Developer Commentary: Hot Damn?
What I know about Damnation can be pretty much summed up in two facts. Firstly, it's got some kind of steampunky cowboy setting. Secondly, it's got one of the most blatant examples of gaming underboob seen in recent times. What if I wanted to know more about how its development worked? Well, I could do journalism and go out hunting for RED HOT FACTS. Or I could embrace the aging corpse of Web2.0, sit on my soft buttocks and watch developer commentaries over footage. Join me, fellow fatties.
Firstly, there's this one on art design.
Secondly, there's this one on level design.
Thirdly, here's the Damned playing Smash It Up.
On one of RPS' best content days ever, it seems to fall to me to bring the tone down.