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Please Close The: Dawngate MOBA Cancelled

EA closes the dawngate

"Oh gosh – Dawngate's been cancelled," I say to the rest of the Dota team I'm playing with. "What's Dawngate?" was the first response.

Dawngate was/is EA's foray into MOBA territory. It's been in open beta for six months and there was a closed beta for a year before that. But according to EA's Matt Bromberg the game wasn't making enough progress (whatever that means) and will be closed after 90 days.

"Although the game has grown, we’re not seeing the progress we’d hoped for. This isn’t the outcome we wanted, but beta testing is about learning and improving, and ultimately, about making difficult decisions about how to proceed."

The developers billed it as a "truly new MOBA" with one of the selling points being that characters were role-agnostic and could be customised to better fit what the player fancied doing in a given match. I remember thinking that was an interesting idea but the bullet point for it on the explanation sheet was "Your character, your way" which had the unfortunate effect of making me think of Burger King's "Have it your way". Essentially I've been thinking of the characters as bespoke(ish) hamburgers ever since.

I've played a teeny tiny amount of Dawngate – maybe a couple of matches – but in that short time it didn't particularly grab me or stand out as new or interesting. I decided to keep an eye on it and pop back when it had had a few more updates but mostly it made me want to play League of Legends. If any of you guys were playing it regularly I'd be interested to know what it was that kept you coming back.

If you are one of those players who spent real money in Dawngate Bromberg states that you'll be entitled to a full refund.

He concludes the announcement:

"On behalf of the entire team at Waystone Games and EA, I want once again to thank all our players for being part of this journey. Your straight-up feedback and the friendly reception we received all over the world at events was extremely encouraging and important to us. We appreciate it."

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