Have You Played... Day Of The Tentacle?
Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.
I find it truly hard to imagine anyone hasn't. But then I also find it truly hard to imagine anyone was born after 1980. So there's a decent chance that you might not have played Day Of The Tentacle.
It's a sequel to Maniac Mansion, but you don't need to have played it. In fact, you can play it on a computer inside Day Of The Tentacle! This stands alone as the best comedy adventure ever made, and possibly the best adventure ever made. Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne, three college chums, are propelled through time in an attempt to stop an evil purple tentacle from taking over the world. Of course. Hoagie goes back 200 years, Laverne forward 200, and Bernard stays where he is. But each can pass objects between each other either by flushing them down the Chron-o-John's - the time travelling toilet cubicles - or by waiting long enough.
It's so packed with so many brilliant ideas, puzzles that span the 400 years, and gag after gag that hits. It's hilarious, it's beautifully drawn, and crucially, it's really damned clever.