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Deconstruction Area: Crane Wars Alpha Video

There's two weeks left to go until the next Blurst game, Crane Wars, comes out, and Flashbang Studios have released a video showing it in its alpha stage. Finally the purpose of the game begins to make sense, and it looks like it might be yet another cracking offering.

The video explains that this isn't necessarily how the final game will play, but it certainly makes a lot more sense than the completely daft video released last week.

You have your plot of land, and a fixed crane. Pick up blocks of construction and stack them, and once you've reached enough storeys the building will solidify into something more substantial. Meanwhile on a neighbouring block is a rival crane, doing the same. And because it's a Blurst game, it's all about the physics, so you can of course use your crane to smash his stuff to bits. And he yours. Well, watch the video, it explains it all nicely.

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