Deep Rising: Firaxis Tease Possible XCOM Sequel
I hate Monday mornings and this was threatening to be one of the worst. My brain is still on the pillow and my body is refusing to obey the most basic of commands. Funny how a forty second video can turn everything around. Kotaku spotted that Firaxis' panel at PAX East contained a short video that relates to the XCOM developer's next "big project". I reckon it might be time to turn our attention from the skies to the seas. My brain has lurched back into my skull and begun to gibber in an excited fashion. Watch below.
Of course, even if this is a sequel tease, there's no guarantee that the terror will be coming from the deep, but I'd be very pleased to see New XCOM's take on Lovecraftian horror now that we've seen its interpretation of B-movie apocalypse.