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Digital Memories: I Found My Dad's Skyrim Saves

Looking to the Sky(rim)

Yesterday my external hard drive went kaput. Used for backups, I wanted to check what was on it if possible, so ripped the casing open to discover that it's an IDE drive. When I showed this to my PC, it just shrugged. I leapt onto Amazon, and bought myself an USB HD caddy to see what I could see. The drive's completely empty. Huh. Not so good. But another idea occurred to me - I'd never gotten around to checking one last hard drive of my father's, who died earlier this year. I'd gone through his PC finding photos that family would want, but this laptop HD was loose on his desk, the laptop itself nowhere to be found. I'll never be able to solve that peculiarity, but this morning I gave the drive a quick scan and found something that immediately meant a lot to me - his Skyrim saves.

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