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Disc-go 2000

Possibly of use to one in a hundred of our readers, but we're all about supporting persecuted minorities.

Robin Clarke writes a little about the attempts of the community to make non-Windows 2000 supported games actually work on Windows 2000. He includes links to getting games as varied as Quake Wars: ("Enemy" - Ed) Territory, Bioshock, Command & Conquer 3 and Supreme Commander to work on the old System. He also wanders off on a little conspiracy theory and a little over developed sense of privilege about Relic's lack of desire to talk to the community - never actually assign to conspiracy which can be satisfactorily explained by either laziness or corporate bureaucracy - but he's got a really cute picture of Spec-chum hero Magic Knight as his website's icon so we'll forgive him.

(Only after all these years, do I realise that it's possible Magic Knight's David Jones may be the same David Jones of Lemmings/GTA/Crackdown fame. Anyone confirm or deny? Because that'd be awesome. I suspect it's not, but still...)

EDIT: It's not. Boo!

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