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Do-Tron Tron Tron, Do-Tron Tron: Evolution

You may wonder why we haven't written anything about Tron: Evolution yet, considering it was announced late last year. Why, because we're incredibly lazy, of course. Like, obv. But the sudden onrushing on E3-malarkies have raised me from my lethargy. The full game's out by Christmas, apparently. It's about living programs in a OHYOUALLKNOWWHATTRONIS! Anyway, the trailer follows, plus 3 enormous videos courtesy of the Ant to our Grasshopper, Gametrailers...

Prologue: the trailer

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Part I: Wherein some stuff happens.

This article contained embedded media which can no longer be displayed.

Part II: Wherein some discs get lobbed around.

This article contained embedded media which can no longer be displayed.

Part III: Wherein there's some lightbikes.

This article contained embedded media which can no longer be displayed.

Part IV: Wherein we thank Gametrailers.
Thanks, Gametrailers!

Does this look exciting? I think it may look exciting. I'm not sure. I'm still over excited by Rock Of Ages.

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