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Doom Will Have Plenty More Options Than Open Beta

Wanking to options menus

Our Adam didn't dig id Software's new Doom [official site] over its recent open beta weekend, and I gave up and went to look at trees after Doom blustered past my proper monitor to insist it would run on my diddy second screen. That's not meant to be a cutting dismissal: I really like looking at trees, and was planning it that day anyway.

Back on point: while Adam's shootybang concerns are unlikely to be addressed much, given that the game comes out in three weeks, the technical side certainly will be shored up. Expect plenty more options, buttons, sliders, and so on at launch, id say.

The Doomsters "got a lot of great information" from the open beta test, chief technology officer Robert Duffy explains in a blog post, and the servers held up fine. They also got plenty of feedback on PC-y features which he says "weren't emphasized in the Beta for various development reasons", like multi-monitor support, uncapped framerates, and squillion of graphics options. But just because they "weren't emphasized" doesn't mean they won't be there. Duffy continues:

"So to clarify: At launch the PC framerate will not be capped. Further, the PC version of DOOM will expose a comprehensive set of advanced game and rendering options that will allow players to dial the experience up or down based on their individual desires or hardware capabilities.

"PC gaming is in our DNA here at id. Just like so many of you, we also love to tinker with settings to get the exact experience we want – and every ounce of performance our systems can handle. We will be running an uncapped framerate on PC at launch, supporting ultra-wide 21:9 monitors, allowing wider FOV, and providing a wide variety of advanced settings that allows any PC connoisseur the opportunity to make intelligent tradeoffs between visual fidelity and performance."

He then offers a big long list of options it'll have, from an FOV Slider to a Chromatic Aberration Toggle. Check to see if your favourite is there!

If I can't play with gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR I'm out, man.

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