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DOOM Has A New Trailer, Screenshots, Footage, Gibbage, Double-Jump, Snapmap, Brownness

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Bethesda's E3splosion not only saw Fallout 4 getting a 2015 release date, Dishonored 2 announced, and something something Elder Scrolls Online something, but a pile of new goodies for DOOM. There's a new trailer below, along with a puddle of new screenshots, and - OMG - double-jumping. Oh, and SO much gore.

First of all, gibs.

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So this is odd. The first half of the trailer is obviously nonsense - slo-mo meat eruptions from angles you won't see in the game. But the second half, once it's game footage - something looks wrong, right? It's too - clean? Obviously it's controller-movement, which always makes FPS games look like they're on rails, but it all looked so oddly crisp, so shiny, as if everything in the game were laminated. The roughness, the texture, the dirtiness of DOOM, all seems absent. Strange.

However, the footage shown in their press conference looked a lot better. Jump to 30 minutes in this, and you'll see the game being played properly, messily, and double-jumpedly. There's a bit more at 43 minutes, set in Hell. (Ignore the whooping horror of the ghastly in the crowd.) Is that it's at a poor upload quality actually helping the look of the game? Also, jump to 39.30 to see some multiplayer footage.

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Tearing your arm off and beating you with the soggy end is certainly the right way to kill a character.

Meanwhile, Snapmap is the freshly announced means by which Bethesda wants players to be able to create their own levels, maps and game modes and then share them with others. It looks pretty flipping snazzy. Head to 41 minutes in the video above to see it in action. We'll have more details on that in a bit.

Here are the new screenshots. Click on them to make them bigger.

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