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Dota 2 Beta Seeks Arcane Facts From You

The open-ish beta for Valve's action-RTS remake Dota 2 is apparently impending, with a clutch of far'n'wide folk last night mailed a link to a survey intended to assess your level of experience with the multiplayer-only title. I'm ashamed to say I couldn't complete it myself, such is my inexperience with these things - I put a fair bit of time into Demigod, but only really in singleplayer, and my one experience with a Dota game was a shower of incompetence. Keep meaning to check out League of Legends and see what the fuss is about, though.

If, unlike me, you are not entirely ignorant in such matters and thus can easily answer questions such as "Please estimate your average total gold earned in a DOTA match", then set Steam running then click on this link. If that doesn't work, hit Run from your Windows Start menu, paste the link in, hit enter and you should be presented with the questionnaire.

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