Downtime Town On: Horus Heresy
For those who've been following Alec, my and Mr Florence's twitter, we've been rambling about the latest product of Fantasy Flight Games' Games Workshop-licenced games. Specifically, a reimagining of the old Horus Heresy boardgame called - er - Horus Heresy. For those who don't follow the 40k mythos, the Heresy isn't one of those boring medieval ones where you get burned alive for suggesting hessian is better than hemp cloth or similar. It's a Heresy which means THE ETERNAL CITY OF THE GOD-EMPEROR IS BESIEGED BY THE WARMASTER, CORRUPTED BY CHAOS. Which is a much better subject for a board-game than Hessian/Hemp comparisons, I dare say. Anyway, Rab's gone and lobbed up his video review of it. No singing about Overwatch, Baby, but no-one reviews boardgames like Mr Florence. Video embedded below...
Earlier, talking with a friend of mine about playing 40k boardgames with understanding ladies lead to a serious consideration about how euphemistically that language could be used in a more intimate sense. As in "Go, slow - I'm on overwatch here".
I'll be quiet now.