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Overwatch, Baby: Scottish Space Hulk Ranting

As anyone who listened to the last podcast I did will know, my last couple of weeks have been based around rushing to the door at the slightest sound of postman. Perpetual disappointment which was made unperpetual yesterday when the ridiculously beautiful Space Hulk 3rd edition turned up. Geeking out even more than me was Ex-Consolevania Now-Downtimetown Rab Florence, who has recorded 10 of the finest high-geek ranting I've seen in quite a while. You'll find it below. It features cardboard comparison and kissing, vocoded songs about overwatch and close up of space-marine crotches. It's quite the thing. I justify this as an RPS post because i) Space Hulk was the basis of the fine game Alec wrote about previously and ii) I'm incorrigible.

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DowntimeTown Episode 7: Space Hulk from Robert Florence on Vimeo.

Actually, Rab's video for Chaos In The Old World has made me want to buy that too. Man!

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