EA Responds To Hate Campaign From Homophobes
In response to a vile show of hatred, EA - the Worst Company In America - has made clear they are taking no notice of their recently being inundated with complaints about the portrayal of gay and bisexual characters in their games. GI.biz reports that the publisher has confirmed they've been on the receiving end of "several thousand" emails and letters protesting the inclusion of LGBT characters and relationship options. Because it's 1950. Of course EA have, in slightly more polite terms, told these dismal hatemongers to fuck the fuck off.
Jeff Brown, EA's VP of corporate communications told GI,
"Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment."
The hatemail contains threats of boycotts if the company doesn't remove same-sex relationships from the games, and also apparently proffer conspiracy theories that their inclusion is the result of campaigns from LGBT groups, as part of an attempt to warp the minds of tiny children.
These repressed individuals, likely taking out their own terror at being attracted to their vicar's son, seem to be coming from various "family" orientated groups. The Florida Family Association, GI claims, is directly campaigning against EA, and a significant proportion of the letters and IPs carry Fla postmarks. Then there's the Family Research Council, and possibly Focus On The Family. I'd link to them, but then I'd have to cut off my hands.
EA has yet to report if these people have also complained about black characters being allowed to ride up front in the Normandy.