Earthshattering Shock: From Dust PC Delayed
Get ready to fall off your chair, and probably through the floor itself, with shock. From Dust, the new game from Eric "Another World" Chahi, was due out from Ubisoft on Wednesday this week. But would you just flipping believe it - Green Man Gaming are reporting that at the very last moment it seems the PC version only has being delayed!
Climb back up, calm yourself down. I know. It's too much. Of all people, who would have thought Ubi could be the ones to suddenly delay the PC version of a game at the eleventh hour, like they did with Call Of Juarez: The Cartel last week. And others of their games in the last couple of years.
Now due on the 17th August on the PC, 360 owners will be able to enjoy the game almost a month in advance.
Last week, when the same happened with Call Of Juarez: The Cartel, I approached Ubisoft to ask why this had happened on this occasion, and more importantly, why it happens on so many occasions. After a couple of days I received this reply:
“Our teams work hard to ensure that all versions of our games achieve a level of polish and quality that our customers will appreciate. The development team needed a little more time to focus on the PC version [of Call of Juarez], so we adjusted the date accordingly.”
The answer to my second question, came it not.
It's worth noting that while Green Man and GamersGate have both updated the release date on their sites, Ubisoft are still selling it as if it will come out on Wednesday.
Big thanks to Trey for letting us know.