Space Whir: Elite Dangerous Beta 3 Out, New Trailer
869,000 cubic light years
Frontier have been adamant all along that Elite: Dangerous would be in final form before the end of the year, but floating around its fun-but-feature-sparse galaxy made me think a delay was inevitable. Then beta 2 hit in September, vastly expanded the playable area and added new exploration mechanics. And now beta 3 has just arrived, bringing mining, an even larger galaxy, new ships and much more. Watching the new trailer below, suddenly it seems like this might really happen.
It's pretty, sure, but I could enjoy this trailer just by closing my eyes and listening to the whirring engines of its different spaceships. This is the closest I get to experiencing ASMR.
Beta 3 adds too mcuh to list, but there are a few standouts such as philanthropy missions; asteroid mining; the ability to scoop fuel from stars to power you on long journeys; the ability to pull other player's ships out of faster-than-light travel (presumably so you can fight and steal from them); two new kinds of spaceship; an increase in galaxy size to 869,000 cubic light years of playable space; and all these other new features and fixes.
What will this mean for Brendan's Elite Dangerous diary? New ways for him to get blown up, I bet.