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Endless Endlessness Pt 1: Endless Legend

Welcome. Welcome to the beginning of endless endlessness. Well, OK, I suppose the endless nature of this endlessness technically started with Endless Space, Amplitude's rock-solid, ox-strong 4X space strategy. Now, however, the developer with Xs for eyes (they're not unconscious; their eyes are literally the letter X) is headed in a markedly different direction with Endless Legend, a 4X fantasy about magic, discovery, and an impending, inexplicable apocalypse. It takes place in the "Endless universe," so I guess that makes it a prequel? Or maybe a bunch of space ships will crash into your bustling metropolis at the last possible second, revealing that the two games were coexisting the entire time.

Endless Legend takes place in a world of impending doom and brutal, worsening winters. Your goal is to expand and thrive while also uncovering the magical mysteries of your grumpy wumpy piece of terra very-not-firma. And of course, there will be Xs. Many of them.

  • Explore legendary lands with one of the eight civilizations available both in single and multiplayer, as you adventure through seasons, striving to discover the secrets of Auriga.
  • Expand beyond the unknown and send your heroes in every corner of the world to find mysterious artifacts to equip your troops, and assimilate powerful minor factions which will help you overwhelm your opponents.
  • Exploit every opportunity by researching new technologies and magical powers while collecting Dust, luxuries and strategic resources tradable on the marketplace.
  • Exterminate fools who defy you with a genuine combat system where terrain and your unit abilities are key to take the advantage over the enemy armies.

Sounds like typical 4X, but the setting is obviously a pretty big game-changer. I worry that it'll end up fairly rote fantasy in the grand scheme of things, but the story of these games isn't the one developers tell. It's what arises from your brilliantly orchestrated conquests, cheek-turning negotiations, and crushing, embarrassing defeats. So then, Endless Legend: who's in?

It'll be out next spring.

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