Eurogamer Retro: Curse Of Monkey Island
It's important to admit when you're wrong. All my life I've maintained that The Curse Of Monkey Island was rubbish. So I went back to check, and found out that, well, it's not. So many of the puzzles are. The tacky line drawings often are. But it's a better game than I'd remembered. I write all about it over at Eurogamer, including this representative paragraph:
With series regulars like the Voodoo Lady and Stan appearing, now it seems daft that the game works so hard to reintroduce them. But with over half a decade having passed, a good proportion of the potential audience wouldn't have had any idea who they were. Plus a lot of the references were starting to feel dated back then and now seem positively archaic.
During my eighties childhood, about 70 per cent of the programmes I watched included quicksand at some point. To misquote comedian Adam Carolla, until the age of 10 I was certain I was either going to die by falling in quicksand or by being eaten by cannibals who would first make me their god. Now, outside of madman Bear Grills' on-screen suicide attempts, there's not a drip of quicksand to be found. And worrying about being eaten by cannibals is perhaps considered culturally insensitive.