Eurogamer: Sins of a Solar Empire Review
Eurogamer's put up my review of Ironclad's Space-epic RTS up on their fine organ. I start like this...
"The bits where you order a fleet of a hundred or so cruisers, frigates and capital ships to line up in an epic formation at the edge of a solar system, and jump simultaneously to a neighbouring solar system? Where dozens of portals open up, and your vessels accelerate through them trailing hyperbright lights? Wicked. When you get a mob of Siege Frigates in orbit above a populated world and giggle as the planet's surface blossoms in what you have to presume to be nuclear detonations? Awesome. And when an enemy fleet appears in your solar system, and a dozen fighter and bomber wings take off, closing the distance to the incoming ships while your big boys ponderously manouevre to join in? Hell yeah!
It's worthwhile to take a little time out to be shallow, because there's going to be precious little opportunity for that as we go on."
And then ramble on insensibly, as is my idiom. Our interview with Ironclad's Blair Fraser and Stardock’s Brad Wardell can be still read over here. Oh - and expect a Sins Verdict at some point in the next few weeks.