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Exile Victorious? The Portal 2 Music Videos

But Portal 2 was such an upbeat game...

Speaking of Portal-based competitions, it's about time we took a look at how things are progressing with Valve's other challenge - to make a music video for gloomy The National song Exile Vilify, which played a minor role in the game. There aren't quite as many submissions as I'd have expected so far (either that or people keeping forgetting to tag their Youtube videos with PORTAL2NATIONALEXILE), but I've gone through and picked out a few below to demonstrate both the variety and, in some cases, the skill on offer.

Featured: cats, lego, crying, animation, more crying, stop-motion, yet more crying, Half-Life 2, wow these people are unhappy, Mirror's Edge, CHEER UP and penguins.

And having watched all these videos, I can assure you that I never want to hear that dirge again. I quite like The National generally, but good grief that song makes me feel like I'm slowly drowning in a sewer or something. Now If you'll excuse me, I'll leave you to watch these videos while I go and play Pink Sunshine at top volume until I feel better again.

A dramatic HL2: the story so far montage:

Watch on YouTube

Hooray for Lego:

Watch on YouTube

Journey into madness:

Watch on YouTube

Using Portal 2 trailers is probably the easy route:

Watch on YouTube

Bleak landscapes and sad, synchronised machines:

Watch on YouTube

A lonely man sings:

Watch on YouTube


Watch on YouTube

Song of the Rattman:

Watch on YouTube

I'm afraid I can't sample that, Dave:

Watch on YouTube

Life is like, rilly rilly awwwwwesum:

Watch on YouTube

How to make elastic bands haunting:

Watch on YouTube

Mirror's Edge makes a good music video:

Watch on YouTube

A day in the life of Doug Rattman:

Watch on YouTube

I can haz competition entry? (Note: I thought this was just five long minutes of a motionless cat looking sad. And then! God, cats are amazing.)

Watch on YouTube

The loneliness of the copyright-free art assets:

Watch on YouTube

Real-life Max Payne?

Watch on YouTube

And there's more here. You've got until July 15 if you fancy entering yourself, but don't even try. No, sorry, I don't mean that, it's just THAT BLOODY SONG I'VE HEARD IT SO MANY TIMES. Entry details here: get on it!

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