Face Fear: Lego Harry Potter Yrs 5-7
With all the talk of genuinely blood-curdling experiences over here, I bring you something else in the build up to Halloween. Lego. This short trailer for Lego Harry Potter Yrs 5-7 doesn't actually show any gameplay, but it does capture one of the things I like about the Lego games; they don't buckle under the occasional self-importance of the franchises they depict.
Whether it's Lego Batman trying to brood and realising that Lego can't brood, or Lego Voldermort trying to be scary and realising that Lego can't pull that off either, Traveller's Tales show a healthy appreciation of the ridiculous and the absurd. For that I commend them, even if the voice at the end of the trailer is far too gee-whizz for this hour on a Thursday.
Of course, I am made of stern stuff so when Halloween does roll around, I shall be replaying Amnesia and then forcing people to watch A Tale of Two Sisters. That is my tradition.
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 is out November 11th in North America and on the 18th in Europe and, presumably, elsewhere. I'm actually really looking forward to it, silly little man that I am.