Releasario: Lego Harry Potter 2 Out In Nov
Something I still haven't done, that I was originally planning before Christmas, is to write a WIT for Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4. I know that sounds like a strange game to review long after it came out, and perhaps not quite in the target audience for RPS, but blimey, it's a brilliant game. Certainly I'm a sucker for Traveller's Tales' Lego games, but not without an eye for quality. Lego Star Wars: great. Lego Indy: poop. And as it happens, I can't stand Harry Potter. But Lego Harry Potter was a level above all the others, not only nailing the regularly repeated formula exactly, but also framing itself very differently. One day I'll write it, and probably call it a "retro". Indeed, I could time it with the release of the next game in the series, Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7, which Warner has just announced for the 18th November this year. Which is splendid news, even for a boy-wizard-hating git like me.