Face War Men Of: Call To Arms Gets Some Footage
Those meticulous fellows at DigitalMindSoft have released several minutes of footage of the tiny men of Call To Arms doing war in destructible maps. As we might well have anticipated, the game looks a lot like the Men Of Wars, on which it based. Still a bit of a way to go, judging by this, but I am keen to get my hands on this, because these kinds of fiddly RTS games are too few and far between.
Also: Tanks! BRING ME TANKS!
A little surprised they didn't bother to get a developer narration over this - we could do with a bit more of a live overview of what's going on and how DigitalMindSoft have developed the engine.
As we've mentioned a few times they company are doing a crowd fund-raiser that is, well... slow going. I suspect we're all going to want to see this hit the heights already achieved by the likes of Assault Squad before we're going to want to put our money in.