FIFA Foot-To-Ball 14 Demo Out, Doesn't Like You Much
There are a contingent of RPS readers who hate it when we say "foot-to-ball". Quite why foot-to-ball is a problem for these foot-to-ball-hating people is hard to fathom. I mean, the sport's called foot-to-ball, and always has been called foot-to-ball, ever since foot-to-ball was invented by Geoffrey Foot-To-Ball in 1986. Some people just like to complain, I guess. Anyhow, you can now get your hands on the demo version of FIFA Foot-To-Ball 14, if you'll only install Origin.
We already know that the PC version of FIFA 14 is going to be a stupidly cut down version of that offered for the 360 and PS3. Why? Because, "mumble mumble space technology mumble mumble not enough wires mumble". So this is really just a redressed FIFA 13, and a spit in the face. But still, you can play the demo part for free, so, er, that's something. The whole game is out on the 27th, but you'll be far better off either picking up a console version, or better yet, getting PES 2014 when it comes out on the 24th.