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First Dishonored Footage: Shows Very Little, Still Exciting

I was this close to falling asleep there, but then Dishonored footage landed and my heart-rate spiked. Just a couple of minutes of non-action footage interspersed with Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantino talking about their amazing sounding immersive sim. It's kind of not saying anything new: you're a supernatural assassin, a sandbox game that enables the player to explore how they want to play with the magnificent tools, the possession, teleporting, stopping time. But this is the first I've heard about the eavesdropping component, where you listen for clues and the game changes your goals. It's starting to look and sound like a combo of the best bits of BioShock and Hitman. Watch, watch now you fools!

As a companion piece, here's Alec's interview with the chaps involved about the insanity of what they're making.

Watch on YouTube

As is the way of these things, there's no call yet on when it's out. I'd hope this is the start of the pre-release hype, and Bethesda don't really have a lot going on this year, so all signs point to 2012.

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