Fish Guns And Knee Bashes: Zeno Clash Trailer
There's a new video showing Zeno Clash, which I suspect is the best yet. ACE Team's game has really caught the imagination of many, partly through its remarkable artistic style, and partly through the use of melee combat - people are really interested to find out if this could be the game to satisfyingly pull it off. (With a respectful nod to Dark Messiah, of course.) The new video begins with two of the trio of brothers at the helm of the game explaining the offensive and defensive nature of it all, and then cuts to some lovely in-game examples of the combat in action. It is, of course, below.
It's great to see the various attack styles linked together. Ranged weapons swapped out for a close-up bashing, tricks using the enemies' size and speed against them, and smart ways to outwit the AI when it tries to evade skull bombs (grenades) and the like.
Of course, it's very important not to be distracted from the most significant feature in the video: smashing an elephant to death with a hammer. It's something we've all dreamed of, if we're honest, and were the zoos not so damned puritanical, perhaps a dream we'd have lived out. In the meantime, this is a fine substitute for murdering those proboscidean bastards. Their time will come.