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Forest fairy tale She And The Light Bearer is out now

I only care about plants

Part point-and-click adventure, part music album, part storybook, part poem, part fairy tale – She And The Light Bearer talks about blending a whole lot of things into one game. But above all else, is it ever pretty.

Just look at the way the foliage moves and the light filters down from above in its trailer:

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The game is based in Indonesian fairy tales, and follows a firefly exploring the forest, solving various riddles and puzzles, and seeing a lot of extremely beautiful greenery. It also comes from the creators of A Raven Monologue, a similarly stylish free game that follows a voiceless bird observing their more urban surroundings,

You can play She And The Light Bearer through Utomik, a subscription website that allows you to access a library and stream games for a monthly cost. When Brendy took a peek last year he found their selection somewhat sparse and leaning on older titles, but they've added 200+ games since then, and, hey, there’s a 14-day free trial so it might be worth poking around to see if there's anything that takes your fancy.

More importantly, Utomik brought micro-fiction writer (and ex-RPS contributor) Cassandra Khaw over to their Twitter, where she told tiny stories about curious fae who fall in love with unsuspecting humans, based on people’s favourite flowers. Their feed is alight with little bursts of evocative prose, and though I have no idea how closely tied these Tweets are with the game itself, it’s sure a pleasant marketing concept to scroll through for a while.

Still, if you’d rather just buy She And The Light Bearer outright, you can do so on Steam. It’s currently on a 20% off sale for £5.75 until Thursday, January 24th. There’s also a pay-what-you-want with no minimum demo available on

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