Freeware Garden: Peen Peen (NSFW)
No, really.
A sequel to the demented adventure game Psyche E has been released and its none other than the outrageous Peen Peen. A game that's both funnier and way naughtier than the original and thus one definitely not for children or people who are offended by words that reference kinky sex.
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Just to get you swiftly into the mood, Peen Peen starts you off with your very first inventory item, your penis, which you have to carry in your anal opening. So, uhm, yes, that's definitely NSFW and you'd better keep this in mind and stay on the safe side before loading it up in the accountants' office at which you work.
You'll have to explore perverse sexuality in all of its frightening depth, while being talked to by pretentious artists and tiresome hipsters. Navigating the world of Peen Peen will get you from the sex dungeons to the coffee shop and let you meet a wild menagerie of demented beasts that crave the weirdest of sexual favours. Everything you meet seems to either want to discuss art, sex you up, or both.
Only rarely will Peen Peen's mythological denizens try to shame you and only once will they deliver one of the funniest and weirdest puns ever to grace a game.
Appropriately, the simple point-and-click puzzles you'll have to solve are not of the use-pin-on-lock variety, but tend to include having your penis frozen to sharpness and using it to take a god-like creature's eyes out. Only said creature is called The Place and encompasses every place you've visited. It includes every corner of the wild collage of drawings and pixel art that Peen Peen has to offer.