Gamasutra's Indie GOTY Is Give Up Robot 2
Wow, this game slipped under our radar like a stealth fighter carrying a payload of Fun Bombs. Give Up Robot 2 is a browser platformer that Gamasutra picked as their favourite indie game of 2010 (with games like Minecraft, Super Crate Box, Super Meat Boy and Desktop Dungeons following close behind), and having had a quick play I can slap the RPS "STRONG" stamp on it too. The first Give Up Robot was a psychadelic, taxing little thing with a fun grappling hook mechanic, but the sequel is as whip-smart a platformer as I've ever seen. Go play!
It's all a little bit perfect. The music's lovely. The visual design is lovely. The writing's often laugh-out-loud funny. The actual grapple mechanic is easy to learn, hard to master and routinely coughs up near-accidental displays of incredible skill where you blitz a level in moments, and these are always followed by a flush of pride. In all of these senses, it's more than a little reminiscent of RPS favourite VVVVVV. If you haven't grabbed the demo of that yet, oh my goodness, you really should.