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Game On: Aliens Vs Marine Is AVP In CryEngine 3

Colonial Marines isn't due until February and that's a long wait for the next attempt to capture the horror of man versus the ultimate murderer. The best parts of Rebellion's first (and the best) AvP game are the marine levels, at least in single player. Horror games often take away weapons or severely limit ammunition in order to increase tension, but even if you're armed to the teeth, aliens are deadly and terrifying. Beefjack spot oldschool.Dave's work on a recreation of the game's marine campaign, all built in Cryengine 3. Video of the opening scuttling in the air ducts down below. I remember the opening almost perfectly, even though I haven't played it for ten years or so.

It's early days but here's hoping AvM isn't ceasing and desisting anytime soon. At present it's planned as a mod for Crysis 2 but a standalone application is a possibility.

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