Get Games Go Indie Pack, Other Stuff
We mentioned this new download service before Christmas, when it could only offer a cheap Serious Sam HD, but now it's up and running for proper, and we're hoping it will be good place to get lower profile and PC indie games. It already has an indie games pack to kick off with, which is a Trine, Machinarium and Eufloria bundle. I suppose that might not be the best bundle to point you lot at, because you're bound to have one of these games already, but anyway, it's £29.95 for all three titles together, which is a reasonable way to catch three of the best indies from last year. I'm sure Lewie will keep an eye on this to point out any future bargainous recommendations.
In other indie sales news, it's worth taking a look at the Natural Selection 2 / Overgrowth pre-order post-mortem, where the Wolfire team examines the success of promoting two as-yet-unreleased indie titles.