Gillen Wants Me To Quote Buzzcocks But I Won't
As kindly linked by one of Pathologic's developers in our comments thread, here's the latest trailer for Tension, Ice-Pick's intriguing next game. Er - it may be a bit NSFW, depending on whether you sit near to anyone who objects to soft-focus polygon boobies.
The hook is battle via painting, rather than gunplay, using a gesture system apparently similar to Black & White - though it seems rather more expanded and based on a system of visible, physicsy results in Tension's dreamlike world, rather than simple spell-casting. It's a fascinating, and at times beautiful, trailer, even if it doesn't tell us all that much about what we'll be doing. There's perhaps as much to scoff at as there is to coo at, but given Quinns' epic wordgasm about Pathologic, it's safe to say this is a game we'll all be following with some interest.
I was going to say something like 'artful eroticism', until it got to the tree-humping and giant wood phallus bit at the end. Still, it seems more dignified than the Witcher's boobie content, eh? Second trailer beneath the cut.