Gollop May Make Laser Squad Nemesis Free
This is interesting. Or rather, promises as being interesting and I'd like to bring it to those who wish to make it interest-ing's attention. Julian Gollop has posted on his forums saying that he's considering making splendid play-by-e-mail game Laser Squad Nemesis free to play instead of the current subscription-styled model. This means he's looking around for cheaper server places - perhaps, I suspect, someone volunteering server space - and admins to run it. Gollop's one of the great unsung creators in the industry and I suspect at least one of the people who are upset about the XCOMisation of his X-COM may be able to offer him a very cheap solution indeed. You'll find his contact details on the site. While it's a game which is no longer being developed, this is a rock solid tactical skirmish game that I think would find a whole new audience in a straight free-to-play system. Of course, I'm also wondering what Julian's doing working at Ubisoft Sofia, but that's just because I'm nosy. Also, hoping he eventually respond to the mail asking what he makes of XCOM. Hi, Julian!