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Goo-ed News: Super Splatters Coming Soon

Back in the day, when I wore the many weighty hats of a magazine section editor yet I still weighed a stone lighter, we came across a game called Confetti Carnival. It was a strange, violent version of Peggle, where the player controls explosive blobs that would slop their innards over levels. That blurstsplosion(tm) would hopefully set off a chain reaction of bombs in the level, painting it with the colourful liquid bursts of the Splatters' insides. While the goal was to clear the level, the real fun came with the neat aftertouch controls, allowing you to pull of tricks and blurstsplosions(tm) with style. It was surprisingly unpleasant, oddly brilliant, and a lot of fun. It never came out. Except it did, but in the awful bondage of console exclusivity. That has now expired, and with a new lease of life the game formerly known as Confetti Carnival will be coming to Steam this month, renamed Super Splatters.

I've been waiting two years to play a puzzle game, so that should tell you a lot about the quality of Super Splatters. It had charm of World of Goo and the style and silliness of Peggle, and the early version we had kept us playing for a solid week. That's a long time in the world of puzzle games. Want to see it in action?

Watch on YouTube

It'll be ten bucks on release, but you can get it for $7 if you pre-order it now. It's definitely worth that.

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