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GTA Online Stripping Cheaters Of Funny Money

Crime doesn't (always) pay

It is a shame that Rockstar's focus since launching Grand Theft Auto V has been GTA Online [official site] rather than any sort of singleplayer expansion, especially given that the sandbox multiplayer mode has been rife with cheating. Well, at least Rockstar have started cracking down in a new way. They're starting removing "illegitimately gained" imaginary money from players' accounts, draining the bank accounts of naughty people. They'll also be wiping the progress of folks who get suspended.

Here's the new plan for wiping out cheated money:

"To keep the gameplay environment fair we have removed illegitimately gained in-game money from player accounts. If you received an alert saying that your shared bank balance was adjusted, that is because you had illegitimate funds in your account."

As for what the updated suspension and ban policy means for folks who are suspended:

"In addition, your GTA Online character(s) will be reset. All GTA Online progress, property and inventory will be reset."

What is the state of GTA Online nowadays? I only pop in every now and then to check out new updates, pootling around and wailing at the poor past purchasing decisions that leave me eternally unable to check out new stuff. I hear that, beyond the weird and funny hacks, it's had lots of problems with dull, grinding issues like cheated leaderboard times. I've not seen cheaters in yonks myself but, as I say, I'm not a regular player.

Remember, you naughty criminals: crime doesn't pay. Well. Some crimes don't pay. Some crimes definitely do - that's the whole point of GTA Online - but not every crime pays. Be responsible with your crimes.

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