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Grimm Episodes Info And Trailers

Following on from the trailer released earlier this year, American McGee and online publishers GameTap have released some footage of the individual half-hour episodes that Grimm is made up of. There's also a schedule for their release. I'm tentatively interested in this, especially with that Katamari Okami-of-evil thing it's going on in the trailers... A series of super-short games - if they can offer interesting challenges - could also be a good thing for everyone in this time-hungry world. No word on those prices yet, however.

Check out the trailer and dates after the jump.

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* July 31: A Boy Learns What Fear Is
* August 7: Little Red Riding Hood
* August 14: The Fisherman and His Wife
* August 21: Puss in Boots
* August 28: The Girl Without Hands
* September 4: Godfather Death
* September 11: The Devil and His Three Golden Hairs
* September 18: Beauty and the Beast

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