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Guild Wars: Hearts Of The North Out

Have you HEARD? ArenaNet's started releasing free content updates for Guild Wars under the title of Guild Wars Beyond, updates that are gently guiding the world through the events preceding Guild Wars 2.

The second of these updates, Hearts of the North, landed yesterday. It tells the story of the romantic and legal union of "the greatest heroes of Ascalon, Gwen and Keiran Thackeray" and even ends in a ceremony and "festivities". Full details can be browsed on the official site, including info on all the accompanying pay-for tuxedos and dresses. £5 gets you a tux, dress or ladytux, and, bizarrely, £7 allows you to dress up in the same clothes as the bride and groom themselves. Now, I have all the social intelligence of a wounded badger, but surely that's a faux pas.

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