"Plenty Of Chance" For Halo 5 On PC
"Absolutely within the bounds of reason"
There's also plenty of chance that 343 Industries' Frank O'Connor was speaking purely theoretically when he claimed that the Xbox-exclusive shooty-bang sequel might head Windowswards, so don't get your powersuited knickers in a twist just yet. But! It's an unusual thing to say about a series which is usually locked inescapably within Xbox's walled garden.
Given that there is a certain amount of Windows 10/Xbox crossover, and we've had recently had some of Microsoft's bi-annual 'no honestly we do care about PC gaming' blather, maybe there is something to this.
"There is plenty of chance that Halo 5 could appear on the PC," Microsoft's Halo franchise director O'Connor told a GamesRadar livesteam (as reported by MCV) while treading the promotional circuit for the impending shooter sequel. "Nothing to announce at this point, but it's absolutely within the bounds of reason."
He then seems to specify that he's talking about this from a hardware perspective: "We developed the game on an Intel platform. It wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world to move it to PC and take advantage of PC stuff."
Then there's this double-edged sword: "But nothing to announce today." On the hand, he's saying there's nothing to say. On the other, he's saying there's nothing to say right now. It is a little odd to even raise the spectre of possibility if there's nothing brewing. But it's unlike a big game corp to be this loose-lipped. We'll see, I guess.
How many of you want Halo back on PC? It's been absent since the underwhelming Halo 2 port, and while I'd say most of the games since are no great loss, I did have a good time with the back-to-basics Halo 4. 343 Industries may not be Bungie, but for me they were doing Bungie better than Bungie had for some time (though all the mythos stuff about Magical Sexy Computer Lady left me cold).
I hear Halo 5 is a slightly different affair, however, but not owning an Xbone I am not in a position to tell you if it's something I even want to see teabagging PCs. I'm always pleased when the door of exclusivity creaks open even a little, though.
Meantime, Halo 5: Guardians [official site] is released for Xbone on October 27th.